Browsing Category Creatives

Painting with words (poetry)  &  pictures (posters )

Freedom to me is (Part 3)

Freedom is such an interesting word, more misunderstood that understood. Is it being freed from external shackles like land boundaries, in bondage, poverty, stifled expression ?

Here is my view in “Freedom to be is (Part 3)” triggered by my dear friend Perry’s post in Urban Solace – Cafe for the Soul.

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Freedom to me is (Part 2)

The second one on freedom titled “Freedom to be is (Part 2)” was also the result of my dear friend @Perry’s post in his Movie Magic at Urban Solace page.

This one takes a look at freedom a little differently – “an individual unshackled and at peace with oneself”

Another one for you dear Perry Menzies for Tuesdays with the bard at Urban Solace – Cafe for the Soul.

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Freedom to me is (Part 1)

My dear friend Perry Menzies tickled my muse with a post in his Movie Magic at Urban Solace page:
“Freedom while being a universal concept, has myriad interpretations and meanings to people. We at Urban Solace – Cafe for the Soul invite you express what Freedom means to you by completing statement “Freedom to me is ….

So here it is titled “Freedom to be is (Part 1)”

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Take it easy

When I saw a beautiful post poem by from Amar Chauhan ji today morning, my muse work up and assembled words that became this poem “Take it easy”.

“We seem to be caught up in the web of speed, always racing to a exciting future, missing out the absolutely normal present.” Take it easy, have a lovely weekend.

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self destruct

Reading various posts on a recent matter of suicide irked me when these self proclaimed specialists talked about the need of a strong mind, how it is so illogical to do this act, how one can be so uncaring for near and dear. Passing judgements, hypothesising solutions is great for a coffee table conversation. These acts sadly impulsive are in my opinion never logical. Sadly the tipping point is so sensitive that some people fail to see this coming. Wish it was not so. My raw feelings penned as as “self destruct”.

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To the other side

The sudden unfortunate death of a businessman and subsequent unnecessary discussion on TV and some stupid posts precipitated words that became this poem titled ’To the other side’.

None will know what went through his head and how it precipitated suddenly, I feel it necessary to respect the silence of the vacuum, and not have casual discussions on this. A poetic tribute.

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runner dervish

Last Sunday I ran the 24hour stadium run at Kanteerva Bangalore. With only minimalist training consisting of a few HM runs/walks, I relied on mindfulness and preventive stretches. And it worked! A new personal best at 139.6 kms and fit as a fiddle at the end.
Enjoy the experience as a poem “runner dervish”.

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