Based on current situation in the world’s largest democracy, where ‘unity in diversity’ is fading, is this #poem ‘Ominous’. Inspired by a AllPoetry contest of poem (35 words min) had to be based on the given picture of the blazing ball in the horizon of ocean.
Ball of fire
Based on the election scene in the second largest democracy, a poem written for a contest that should be written based on the picture in 35 words. Here it is as a #poem “Ball of fire”.
(No colours)
Colours don’t matter in the skies
A moon knows he is half black, half white
Even a crow knows that, not humans on earth
Thief of hearts
Hacking a system and stealing data is nasty. Here is an artistic look at this with the security bug personalised as ‘Thief of hearts’.
“Be still to move fast”, “Think better and do less”,
two mantras that help me in staying #agile, creatively word smithed as “Agile” in this week’s #FridayFeelings poem.
Many lines to cover before I sleep
Inspired by Robert Frost’s #poem “Stopping by woods on a snowy evening” is a creative on a software tester in “Many lines to cover before I sleep”.
I will be back.
An interesting creative take on SW release. Test folks work closely with everyone, but stand alone eagerly & patiently at the exit and..Read the #poem.
Grieving mother
Death of loved one tears ones soul. For a mother to see her creation die, it must be torturous. In the case of recent #Hatras incident how must the mother feel? Impossible to know. It tore my heart. All I could do was attempt to describe this in the #poem “Grieving mother”. May God give her strength.
Snakes in the grass
The nauseating din on national media exploiting the death of an actor and the horrific death of a young woman deftly suppressed expressed as a poignant creative in “Snakes in the grass” .
My job is to manage and contain the damage
A creative take on the difficulty of being a project manager as a limerick titled “My job is to manage and contain the damage”.