What does a software bug feel/want? A creative personalisation of a software bug
Anchetty II
Anchetty, a signature ride of Bangalore Randonneurs was created by IISc Randonneurs as a 200KM brevet in 2013. That is when I fell in love with the place.
“Oh Anchetty, thou art a beauty.
Oh Anchetty, thy place is serenity.”
Colours of nature are beautiful and lovely. But when purity of unity is broken, it can be distressing too. A creative take on current state of affairs of the second largest democracy as ’Colours’.
Serenity prayer for Software Engineers
Here is a serenity prayer for software engineers
Just a few characters
“The Twitter account of Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s website narendramodi.in was hacked early on Thursday morning with hackers attempting to solicit cryptocurrency from his followers.” – The Hindu today (Sep3, 2020) Jeez!, a leader’s credentials compromised? (no pun intended!). In the old days, we valued one’s character, now we value the ‘characters’ of digital identity! Funny that these ‘characters’ can be used to compromise one’s character. Huh, technology.
Bard of sillycon
In these times where media is loud, shrill and scary, what can one do ? Well I just twist it and make fun of it creating sillycon* . Disaffected, as I am the ‘Bard of sillycon’.
Now & Then
As I hurtle through life , I suddenly feel a distinct shift of times. Forward we would to say and believe, it feels retrograde to me. Powered by tech, fuelled by greed, mangled by past, confused by modernism, it just seems less human. Am I becoming old & senile? Maybe. My creative take on this as “Now & Then”, a reaction to the news, views, behaviours, reactions that pounds us daily.
Life was simple with everything familiar. With a surfeit of information from TV & Internet, life became walled into many compartments. My creative on this as “familiar”.
Being ordinary is a blessing, I realised after an intense experience. Penned as a crisp 28-word brevity poem “Ordinary”.
Softly he caressed her
She opened her heart
He gently stroked
Messages popped
New-age love