Face shattered and swollen
Immobile at ICU bed
Wired, tubed, I let go everything
Mindful, time stretched infinite
I saw Paradise
into heaven
A 20 word brevity poem “into heaven” written for a contest at Allpoetry.com based on the prompt “Tumour”. Happy it was judged Gold.
Charts to hearts
“Never thought that a non-living virus
would take away the care and loving
Never imagined that an invisible savage
could cause such collateral damage
Never fanthomed the great migration
would occur due to extreme frustration”
My feeling that “It is not just money in trillions, it is about feeling for the minions”, expressed in the creative “Charts to Hearts”.
Novel cure
An innovative idea by the world’s most powerful head of state, of shining UV light inside the body and injecting disinfectant into the body to kill the virus in one minute just blew me away.
When life was free and unbounded, we wore masks inside, hiding who we really are. Constrained and locked down now, we now show our real face, but damn, it is hidden by the external mask.
Without the bustle
Isn’t the lockdown interesting? The hustle and bustle of life gone. Each day, gentle, slow and peaceful. Earth rejuvenating, living shifted to nature’s pace. May we emerge from the lockdown calmer, peaceful and grateful. A much needed refresh this is, a holiday for the entire humanity.
Jai Hind
Galvanising the nation’s collective to do a task is hard. To be able to accomplish this is brilliant. Outcomes happen only when the true spirit is understood and done with intent. When the intent is a bit ethereal, it is hard for general intelligentsia to grasp it. Sadly it is gets misinterpreted and action messed up. Simple intent, simple actions with clear outcome may help. Dear God, help us act sensibly and stay true to the spirit of the leadership. My feelings versed in “Jai Hind”.
Back home
In these difficult times, when the migrant labour force are forcibly evicted from the cities to their hometown due to the lockdown, I hope this is what they feel as they back to their home in small towns.
Stay Inside
My school mate gave me this picture with the caption “Stay inside’ and asked me to a write an interesting poem. A nice exercise in creativity with a tinge of adult.
Welcome back Earth
A personalisation of Earth as being tired by the extreme greed and excessive consumption of humans, and giving rise to a new baby virus that revitalises its mother.