Browsing Category sillycon

Silly and stupid stuff that make life colourful  and cheery

Young, nah

It is amazing to see behaviours of adults on social media. When a person posts a strong view on current affairs especially, some friend upset with the opinion says “Kaka tutu” and unfriends him/her. Amazing how wonderfully young we have become now, thanks to of social media. sillyconFeelings (17)


We showed the world how to flee a country. Now the world is copying us once again! But we are still on the top world as our folks are from the high flying word of airlines, cricket and diamonds while this gentleman is from the roads(cars). #sillyconFeelings (15)

Naavu yella hingey ri

Working day and night my road was completely spruced up thanks to PM visiting a defence establishment near by. A cement road it was, laid so brilliantly that riding on it would loosen all joints, was tarred! A machine swept the road too and suddenly the road became bright as it was lit up. Given to understand that it was using defence budget, that is why it is on war footing! Just like how a…

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