Browsing Category sillycon

Silly and stupid stuff that make life colourful  and cheery

Pedestrian love story

Theirs was a movie-style romance. Both of them were watching movies while walking on the road. They bumped into each other and his head went over her heels. Google recorded this happy moment and now they walk in the same direction hand-in-hand with the other holding the mobile.  A pedestrian love story in the sillycon city. #sillyconCity (#99)

Barber appointment

The world’s smartest company demoed showed its voice recognition and AI system with the person asking the system to setup a hair-cut appointment with the barber. The system understood the command, made the call and set up the appointment. The tech people in namma sillycon city went gaga. But seriously, an appointment with a barber to show off your smartness ?  The techies of sillycon city. #sillyconCity (#96)


The road usage in namma sillycon city have moved on with the changing times. People walk on the roads and motorists ride on the foot path. Most of the times, everyone is everywhere. After all, in this age where we crave for equality, why distinguish a road from a foot path. Just a lot of idiots in #sillyconCity. #sillyconCity (#94)


Outsourced software development is what made namma city a sillycon city. Now it is part of our education curriculum. Final year engineering students outsource their projects to institutes/SP road shops.  The brilliant students of sillycon city. #sillyconCity (#93)

Skill building

Commuting in namma sillycon city is brilliant, it enhances one’s skills. Riding enhances your motor skills, walking on pavement sharpens your balancing skills, engagement with others enhances body language and communication skills. The brilliant sillycon city. #sillyconCity (#92)