Browsing Category sillycon

Silly and stupid stuff that make life colourful  and cheery

Startup unicorn

Near my house is a pushcart that serves idlis. He has scrawled on it ‘Sushila hotel’ and stuck a PayTM QR code on his pushcart. Mobile hotel with mobile payment. Business took off. He branded it “FreshPlate-oo” roped in ‘Sush’ as brand ambassador and funds have started poured in. Now he is slated to become the new unicorn. The amazing sillycon city. #sillyconCity (#77)


He lived in a rented house near his work place. He was happy. After many years of hard work, he built his dream house close by. He was very happy. Very soon he got a dream offer from another company. He switched. Then all he did was to dream in the bus to work and back. It was a long commute. Then he moved to a rented place closer to the new company. He still…

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