Browsing Category sillycon

Silly and stupid stuff that make life colourful  and cheery

You are in heaven

Only astronomical distances are measured in terms of time i.e. light years. sillycon city is in the heavens, that is why when somebody asks ‘how far’ we answer in terms of ‘time’. So the next time you are stuck in a jam, remember you are in the heavens. The amazing sillycon city. #sillyconCity (#78)

Startup unicorn

Near my house is a pushcart that serves idlis. He has scrawled on it ‘Sushila hotel’ and stuck a PayTM QR code on his pushcart. Mobile hotel with mobile payment. Business took off. He branded it “FreshPlate-oo” roped in ‘Sush’ as brand ambassador and funds have started poured in. Now he is slated to become the new unicorn. The amazing sillycon city. #sillyconCity (#77)

Artistry on road

The artistry of traffic in silicon city is amazing. When it is stationary, it really is very still. When it moves, it is brilliantly fluid, with amazing curves as vehicles weave in and out, synchronised with sound and light show of horns and smokes. Life in sillycon city. #sillyconCity (#75)


He lived in a rented house near his work place. He was happy. After many years of hard work, he built his dream house close by. He was very happy. Very soon he got a dream offer from another company. He switched. Then all he did was to dream in the bus to work and back. It was a long commute. Then he moved to a rented place closer to the new company. He still…

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I am convinced that we are a developed city on par with any of the big cities of the world. After all, I hear the shrill sirens of emergency vehicles all through the day & night like in any big city. The shill sirens of sillycon city. #sillyconCity (#72)


Do you know why a real-size LCA aircraft model is parked near Cubbon park metro?  Well they are saying that this is the future of road travel in our sillycon city. Life in the sillycon city. #sillyconCity (#70) LCA = Light Combat Aircraft