Browsing Category sillycon

Silly and stupid stuff that make life colourful  and cheery

One Rupee.

“The supreme court fined a public interest lawyer Re 1 for contempt of court.
In the upcoming Flipkart Sep 18 sale, one can pre-book products for Re 1.

In an age where small change is given as eclairs chocolate(s) in a shop, I am delighted that Re 1 is back and is powerful! Re 1 can ensure you are not jailed or debarred from practice. Re 1 can get you mobile/tablet with no-cost EMI plans, card-less credit, and exchange offers.
#sillyconFeelings (95)”

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“News from BBC – “Two years ago, Microsoft sank a data centre off the coast of Orkney in a wild experiment. That data centre has now been retrieved from the ocean floor ..”

We all know water evaporates and forms cloud. Now data under water also becomes data cloud. Super, no?

#sillyconFeelings (94)

Note: Inspired by Ravi who sent me the BBC link”

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“When people add ‘ji’ to your name, you know that you have gained respect.
When you add ‘ni’ to your name, then you are ready for a lot of gains in business.
So, what do you like to add to your name?!

Note: The meaning of ‘Jini’ in Sanskrit is victorious.
#sillyconFeelings (90”

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One rupee

“When I was a young boy, I looked forward to Vishukani. Our neighbours were Malayalis and on this day, I had to go their house as soon I got up, eyes closed, to be opened at their Puja room. Then we would be given a shiny One rupee coin as gift. Princely sum it was then. And later the wonderful sweet dish Ada Pradhaman.

On a different note, today on the day of Onam, a famous civil rights lawyer in India was given an option to ‘donate’ Re 1 to the Supreme court, else be arrested. Sir, guess in this case, you need to close your eyes and give it no!
#sillyconFeelings (86)”

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