Browsing Category sillycon

Silly and stupid stuff that make life colourful  and cheery

Mask & Glove

“All it took was a mask for the face recognition algorithm to go blind. All it took was a glove for touch id to go quiet. All it took to blow the high tech was an invisible virus.

Hey, Siri ! (‘Siri’ in Tamil means laugh !)
#sillycon technology.
#sillyconFeelings (77)”

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“The city’s garbage escapes into the ocean, happily rides the waves all night long and ends up on beach in the morning. My dear friend cleans it up and sends it to the garbage dump. Now it is ready for another night out. He calls it beach workout.

sillycon cycle.
#sillyconFeelings (76)

Dedicated to the lovely citizen Gratian Mathew Govias.”

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Name change

“My neighbouring state has been hit massively by Covid19, especially its capital city. The government held a meeting to figure out what to do and came up with a brilliant idea – “Change the English spelling of over 1000 places.” After all the virus which is foreign (hence knows English) will get confused and not be able to travel to these places, no.

Super #sillycon thinking !
#sillyconFeelings (75)”

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“Suddenly we have become sensitive to Chinese apps on phones under the pretext that our data goes far east and gets severely analysed.

Well my take is “Everybody has lost their underwear when they started using mobile phones and got onto social media, so why worry”. A sillycon world it is.

#sillyconFeelings (74)”

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Just forgot

“Guess I figured out why many trains got lost and umpteen flights cancelled. Well, a quarantine holiday can be a real b.. You just forget about your work, no. The train driver forgot the route, saw a sign near the railway track and then following that. You can’t do that in the skies no.Impressed that they remembered where they were working. Wait a minute, did they get their jobs mixed up

Inspired by N Kiran Kumar who mentioned train drivers turned right when they saw a sign after getting lost. Thank you Kiran!
#sillyconFeelings (73)”

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No show

“Previously no-show meant passengers showed up late, after flight left. Now no-show means, you come in early and the plane does not show up.
“630 flights cancelled on first day after reopening of domestic flights – News in The Tribune, May 25, 2020.
Change of definitions in the post-corona world!

#sillyconFeelings (71)”

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Know why politicians can skip mandatory institutional quarantine after air travel? My good friend Venkatraman Pichumani illuminated me with the perfect answer – “They are VIP – Very Immune Person”. Spot on, don’t you think?

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