Browsing Category sillycon

Silly and stupid stuff that make life colourful  and cheery


In these Covid19 times, I see a lot of people on bikes riding without helmet, be it the rider or pillion. When I asked one of them as to why he was wearing head protection, he looked straight at me and said “Mask idhey-alva-na Saar” (“Mask is there no, Sir”).
Super smart no, a gem of namma sillyconCity.

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Oh dear Bengaluru

When lockdown happened, Bengaluru became Bangalore. Peaceful, lazy, quiet roads, cool breeze, swaying trees, gaily flowers, ‘aaram’, just like how it was when when I was a young lad. Missed the big circles and tongas though.

Bengaluru, we will wake up now. I hope you have rejuvenated well, for we will come back with a vengeance. Sorry.

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As we have been noticing, the lockdown gets extended by few more weeks when it nears the end. Frustrated, my friend asked “Why is the Govt not bold enough to announce lockdown until end of the year?”
“Well, this is the EMI version” I said 🙂

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Red light area was all about touching. Now, red zone is all about distancing.
Red light area was about unmasking. Now, red zone is about being masked.
In red light area, you catch the virus. In the red zone, the virus catches you.
If you live in this zone, you can say “I live in the red light area, sorry red zone!”.

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“With confirmation of lockdown extending beyond Apr 14, areas will be tagged Red, Yellow and Green to gear up for seal down” – From today’s news on BLR.

Idhnu yenu Saar? Idhu Covid19-gey, namegella ri.
Naanu traffic light time waste madella, adhekay kelidhen.
(Hey, what is this? This is for Covid19, not for us. I don’t waste time at traffic light, hence asked). sillyconCity conversations.

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Intimate journeys

In the 80s travelling by DTC(Delhi Transport Corporation) to work was exciting. Jam packed it was, pushed, crushed, kneaded and tossed around when the bus came a halt suddenly. Hot and sweaty too . Oh, beautiful sensations when you are young . It was an interesting life of claustrophobic intimacy, joyful privacy, and respectful voyeurism. Glad Corona was not born then.

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