Browsing Category sillyconCity

All about silicon city – namma Bengaluru


Teacher gives project. Parent is busy doing it. Child is busy playing a multiplayer game. Teacher gives 5 stars. Child communicates this to the parent. The parent who did it is happy, takes a pic and posts it. Child continues playing the multi-player game. The end. Life in the sillycon city. #sillyconCity (#84)


He wanted to get into running. He bought colourful shoes, Garmin, DryFit, Gels, and learnt all the terms. Now all he has to do is get into the practice of running. Some amazing people in sillycon city. #sillyconCity (#83)


The people here have an amazing competitive spirit. When there is big rush at the signal, everybody lines up on the other lane too watching the countdown intently. When they are bored of watching it, they speed away.  The amazing sillycon city. #sillyconCity (#82)


The citizens here are lovely hospitable people. Nowhere in the world does a person graciously give you paper from a toilet roll to dry your hands after you have washed your hands. Visit our namma sillycon city airport to experience this. The amazing sillycon city. #sillyconCity (#81)

Racing to ICU

Behind every emergency vehicle is an aspiring F1 racer or a MotoGP. When they hear the siren-wailing vehicle, they latch on to it and zip. Some of them give company to the patient in the ICU. Just a lot of idiots in the sillycon city.  #sillyconCity (#80)

You are in heaven

Only astronomical distances are measured in terms of time i.e. light years. sillycon city is in the heavens, that is why when somebody asks ‘how far’ we answer in terms of ‘time’. So the next time you are stuck in a jam, remember you are in the heavens. The amazing sillycon city. #sillyconCity (#78)

Startup unicorn

Near my house is a pushcart that serves idlis. He has scrawled on it ‘Sushila hotel’ and stuck a PayTM QR code on his pushcart. Mobile hotel with mobile payment. Business took off. He branded it “FreshPlate-oo” roped in ‘Sush’ as brand ambassador and funds have started poured in. Now he is slated to become the new unicorn. The amazing sillycon city. #sillyconCity (#77)

Artistry on road

The artistry of traffic in silicon city is amazing. When it is stationary, it really is very still. When it moves, it is brilliantly fluid, with amazing curves as vehicles weave in and out, synchronised with sound and light show of horns and smokes. Life in sillycon city. #sillyconCity (#75)