Browsing Category sillyconCity

All about silicon city – namma Bengaluru

Sweet water

He bought a new apartment. He was happy that it was no water problem, thanks to the big borewell.  So delighted he was, when he found the water to be sweet. Adjoining the wall ran the big open storm water drain carrying the sweetest waters of the city. The high life of sillycon city. #sillyconCity (#62)


Before the rainy season, the drains are opened and de-silted. The silt is stacked up on the roadside so that they can go back in when rains commence.After all, silt needs fresh air too. Life in the sillycon city. #sillyconCity (#58)

New car

He bought a new car. And then Scratch Guard. And 3-year additional maintenance. And leather trim. And fog lights.  Now he does Uber/Metro, thanks to the amazing Bangalore traffic.  Amazing people of sillycon city. #sillyconCity (#57)

Photo archive

They met after a long time over dinner. At the end was the customary photo session. They asked a waiter to take picture. He obliged. One more, they said. He obliged. Then each one gave their phone to the waiter. He knew he had to do ‘one more’ on each one. Then they all went into the Instagram/Facebook archive. Life in the sillycon city. #sillyconCity (#56)