Browsing Category sillyconCity

All about silicon city – namma Bengaluru


He bought a small apartment in a crowded locality.  Then he bought a luxurious BMW that costs as much as his bedroom and hall. He parks it on the road when not driving and it gets parked amidst the jam en-route to work.  Amazing priority. Just another idiot in the sillycon city. #sillyconCity (#14)

Bottled water

“Bottled or normal water Sir?” asked the waiter at the fancy restaurant. “Bottled” he said and went on to ask for healthy food options for lunch with his team mates. Post work, on the way home, he stopped at the ramshackle pain puri stall  close to the open drain and gorged on the tasty food! Just another idiot in the sillycon city. #sillyconCity (#13)

A stylish throw

All set for work, he came out of the house with a plastic packet. As he turned around the corner he stylishly threw the packet. It landed with thud, split open and spewed the smelly contents. Seated comfortably in the Volvo bus to work, he click ‘Like’ on the post with the hash tag Swachh Bharath. Just another idiot in the sillycon city. #sillyconCity (12)

Smooth, my a..

Our main road was cemented using British technology (our MLA said that). Oh yes it rocks, for when I rode the 2 km stretch on my road bike, my stiff back loosened and became supple! He was voted for the second term. Just a bunch of idiots in the sillycon city. #sillyconCity (11)


After many many years our road that was a torturous trail, was fixed. A black shiny tar road with a smooth surface greeted us on a Monday morning. Young kids did roller skating, underaged teens did wheelies, drivers parked happily and slept. Then the skies fell. HAL dug up the entire road so that its overhead HT power cable may go underground. Blessed am I to have a darshan of what a real road will…

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Waiting in the middle

The red shiny Volvo bus was parked right in the middle of road with a green (olive?) branch jutting out of its rear. Unmindful of the long line of backed up vehicles on a busy weekday morning, it waited peacefully for its partner to come and tie the knot. So that it can be towed! Just another idiotic sight in the sillycon city. #sillyconCity (8)


Engrossed in a giggly, lovely-dovey conversation on the mobile, she crossed the busy road, in a casual measured mode, looking down deliberately so that motorists cannot do anything, but compelled to stop.  Just another idiot in the sillycon city. #sillyconCity (7)


Sitting majestically on the humungous Harley, he revved up.  No amount of thump could move the traffic in front of him. His neighbours on smaller bikes honked and honked. Powerful intent can move mountains, but the shrill horns or deep roar cannot move the Bangalore traffic jam! Just another idiot and many anothers in the sillycon city. #sillyconCity (6)

Wrong side

He took his work very seriously. After all he was feeding the world. He sped on the wrong side of the road, lights in high beam mode blinding my eyes as I slowly cycled up the flyover.  A Swiggy guy delivering food.  “I ride on the wrong side, I know you chideI ride rash, I know you would like to thrashFor I feed the souls terribly hungrySo my friend, don’t be angryFor delivery is my…

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