Browsing Category sillyconCity

All about silicon city – namma Bengaluru


Yesterday I saw a ‘Bounce’ rental-scooter discarded unmercifully on an un-tarred small side road. I pulled it up,  put in on stand and discovered that its silencer was broken. Have seen  ‘Yulu’ cycle discarded in ditches, near garbage dump, sometimes with no seat.  Dear people of  sillycon city, treat this as ‘namma’ items, with love and respect. #sillyconCity (#131)


Why is a cell phone called a mobile phone?Because you talk untethered, right ? Wrong, let me explain.. Because it makes everything mobile – makes taxi/auto come home, starts app-based scooter/cycle to ride, gets any stuff home, be it groceries or a massage. Only ‘solpa’ (little) problem though, causes traffic to be immobile in sillycon city. #sillyconCity (#133)

Show dog

A young Doberman walked by his master had his both ears fully plastered. When I asked as to what the issue was he said  “He is a show dog, to ensure he can win the dog shows, surgery has been done to keep his ears perked up”. He continued that this is how the breeder gave him. Damn the consumerism that breeds dog cruelty in sillycon city.  #sillyconCity (#127)

Happy dogs

Near my house is a 3-legged Huskie dog, a handsome happy fellow. When the master was walking the dog, I asked him how he lost one of his front legs. He said he ran away into the main road when the gate was accidentally left open and was hit by a motor vehicle.  He rushed him a doctor and had to amputate his leg. Now he has another dog for company and both of are…

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