A creative on what happens when you are filed with enormous creativity suddenly.

Pen in the hand
Paper on the table
I sit down to think
With a cup of hot coffee

After I sip slowly
Mind switches on suddenly
Spinning like a centrifuge
Churning out ideas

Where do I start
When do I end
Which do I record
Each one so colourful
Each one so interesting

They move so fast
Like a shooting star
Leaving a trail of smoke
The smell so sweet
Makes me faint
Lulling me to sleep

Dreams take over
Different threads running
Each generating ideas
Different shapes
Different colours
Clashing and collapsing
Merging and mixing
A beautiful rainbow forms
In the mind
Filling it completely
Gushing out gently via eyelids
It awakens me, filling me with colour
But the paper still stark white

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