Could not resist my creative urge in combining the recent happenings on meToo, Swamiji and temple controversy to come with with four #microStories.

Disclaimer : This is just a creative exposition and is not meant to malign people, beliefs or belittle the seriousness of these.

A bull asked a cow “What milk do you produce?”
“A2 she said.” Her friend standing nearby chipped in and said meToo.

The bull ran away.
The interviewer asked me as to whom I love the most.
“I love myself” I said.
He said meToo.

I scooted.
(I am gay)
Swamiji was saying ” I am me, you are me, and the me within me is talking to the me in you about the me !”
So bhakta “I am the me, you are the me and we are meToo”

I became enlightened.
Two women in helmets clambered up the hill protected by police to meet me(God) and as they came close, I chased them away. Me meeting those two, no way I am going to suffer the meToo.

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