Posts tagged freedom

Freedom to me is (Part 3)

Freedom is such an interesting word, more misunderstood that understood. Is it being freed from external shackles like land boundaries, in bondage, poverty, stifled expression ?

Here is my view in “Freedom to be is (Part 3)” triggered by my dear friend Perry’s post in Urban Solace – Cafe for the Soul.

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Freedom to me is (Part 2)

The second one on freedom titled “Freedom to be is (Part 2)” was also the result of my dear friend @Perry’s post in his Movie Magic at Urban Solace page.

This one takes a look at freedom a little differently – “an individual unshackled and at peace with oneself”

Another one for you dear Perry Menzies for Tuesdays with the bard at Urban Solace – Cafe for the Soul.

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Freedom to me is (Part 1)

My dear friend Perry Menzies tickled my muse with a post in his Movie Magic at Urban Solace page:
“Freedom while being a universal concept, has myriad interpretations and meanings to people. We at Urban Solace – Cafe for the Soul invite you express what Freedom means to you by completing statement “Freedom to me is ….

So here it is titled “Freedom to be is (Part 1)”

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Freedom – ‘Solpa adjust maadi

The six basic freedoms guaranteed under the Indian constitution’s  Article 19 are : to freedom of speech and expression; to assemble peaceably and without arms; to form associations or unions or cooperative societies to move freely throughout the territory of India; to reside and settle in any part of the territory of India; to practice any profession, or to carry on any occupation, trade or business. On the 70th  Independence Day of India, here is…

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