Posts tagged garbage

A stylish throw

All set for work, he came out of the house with a plastic packet. As he turned around the corner he stylishly threw the packet. It landed with thud, split open and spewed the smelly contents. Seated comfortably in the Volvo bus to work, he click ‘Like’ on the post with the hash tag Swachh Bharath. Just another idiot in the sillycon city. #sillyconCity (12)

I am garbage collector

In my neighbourhood an old man in tattered clothes driving a dilapidated truck is the one who comes daily to collect the garbage. Know what, he wishes me and smiles too, and does his job well. Sad that BBMP does not equip them with modern hygienic tools. Have you pondered as how it would be to live in his shoes? My creative schizophrenia continues as “I am a garbage collector” now. (#219)