A light hearted view of what it would be when “subjects” fell in love. Pen your lines as comment to continue this love story.
Posts tagged personalisation
She set herself on fire
Belandur lake was on fire recently and it took a large contingent of Army personnel (5000 of them) to douse it. Sridhar Pabbisetty has been spearheading this issue, but our city officials are resilient!
Soul lit
Inspired by ‘Ground Chakra’ firecracker on Deepavali day that spins on the ground spreading light sparkles all around and finding its bliss!
Treat them with respect
“There is infinite power in the invisible. Respect it.”
“There is enormous power in small things” Enjoy the poem ‘Shakthi’.
Life is a coconut
If you personalise a coconut, does it reflect life?
Hug each bug
A creative take on why you have to love software bugs..
Freedom to live
What does a software bug feel or want? A creative personalisation of a software bug..
Have you thought what it means to be a cigarette? Enjoy the creative that personalises a cigarette stick!
The lipstick
What happens when you personalise an object? Check this out.