Posts tagged soda

Orange Soda

Sai Nellore in his comment on my previous poem “Luva” suggested <Next you can think of some orange Fanta-like drink from “Lavazza”. But how can you make it “hot”?> and provoked the muse. Here is the response as another one “Orange Soda”. Thank you Sai. If you want to read “male version” of this read the next poem post “Goli Soda”.

Goli Soda

Hmmm, am in mood for fun poems inspired by comment thread. Here is one for you Senthil Kali, your request for a poem on ‘Goli Soda’, (your comment on my last post). Cute but naughty one, methinks. If you want the female version of this read my prior poem post “Orange Soda”