Posts tagged technology


Once upon a time we lived in the open with the largest dangerous animals, moving around, hunting them, starkly in contrast to today. Now, to protect ourselves from a tiny invisible virus we stay inside and fight with a needle, travel and movement shunned. Tech has grown immensely that it seems to the ‘only’ company to a human now. So, how do we free ourselves? Read this creative “Nomad”.

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We were free once roaming the world, quite different from today where we are glued to a device in our palm tethered to Internet. Well, tech has rooted us but allowed us to roam virtually. What is this? Amazing transformation, or is it “Assimilation”?

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Strange life we live today, absolutely in control with tech in our hands we think, but reverse it is really. Earlier with wrist watch we thought time was on our hands, but a hand cuff it turned out to be. Tech that is close to us is so very powerful that it takes over, while making us live with the illusion that we are in control. This conundrum versed as “Today” highlights this.

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Just a click it takes

The frenzied consumption of anything, thanks to everything being online irritates me. It pains me to see the mindless consumption, the resultant gargantuan waste and the destruction of nature, all in the name of convenience, safety and fulfilling need, sorry greed. “Just a click it takes” to make the giant cookie of earth crumble.

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Invasion of binary V (Freedom, my foot)

Are we free? Is freedom in our hands at all? While ruminating on freedom while enjoying a morning walk on India’s Independence day, I noticed people glued to their smart phone unmindful of anyone. They were absolutely free of any human distractions floating gently in tapestry of gazillon bits in an alter-world, absolutely free.
Titled “Freedom, my foot”, this is the fifth in the series “Invasion of binary”.

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