Browsing Category Poetry

My tryst with wordsmithing


I interrupt the #Covid19 pandemic to bring you what just happened to me at Coles. I went to Coles to buy a bag of food for our dog as we were nearly out. I am in line for self checkout, when a woman behind me asks if I have a dog. “No “I said, adding “This is for my weight loss program”. Very curious she wanted to know more. Here it as “Biscuit”.

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Social distancing

In these interesting times of #Covid19, social distancing is a key method to contain the spread. The government shut schools, malls, public spaces, suggested one work from home, quarantined suspects, brilliant response really.

Some people not so brilliant are messing it up, by congregating, by running away from hospitals, by drinking liquid animal excreta to become invincible.

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A pi-em

When Ides of March(3.15) happened, a friend of mine set me up to create a pi-poem. It was as to create a poem with length of each word to be a digit of pi. After many frustrating attempts I modified it with length of a line(instead of word) to a digit of pi. Here is the creative as “A pi-em”, consisting of 11 lines that represents pi to 10 digits i.e 3.14159 26535 .
=> 1st line = 3 words, 2nd line=1 word, 3rd line=4 words and so on.!

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Go, Corona, go

A tiny invisible fellow from the east burst into the scene and out went protests and polemics. Now everyone is sitting at home busily engaged in studying at whatapp university, devouring news, some working at home, some busy suggesting traditional medicines and interesting animal concoctions that they have never tried to others. Washing hands frequently, and wishing Covid19 does not find them, they post away to glory.

Meanwhile an union minister went to the Gateway of India and chanted ‘Go corona go’ gently. Damn, until then I never knew that Covid19 understood English! Here is a creative one this as “Go Corona, go”.

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The wall

We welcome a head of state by building a wall and present him with Gandhiji’s ‘Three monkeys’, in the abode of peace ‘Sabarmati ashram’.

Is this a reflection of the wall we have built between ourselves and be numbed into a state of being blind, deaf and mute? Here is a creative to symbolise the state of affairs today as “The wall”.

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So what?

Most often when life beats us with a big stick, the normal question is “Why me?”. We whine, mope and then take actions to get over it suffering through the way. What if you changed the question to “So what?”. Well, my uncle said that in difficult times, this is the question he asks, and then happily solves the issue.

So my friend,
when you are out and down, in despair,
just ask the simple question, to repair,
“So what?”.

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