Browsing Category Poetry

My tryst with wordsmithing

Bomb in your palm

Seeing family members glued to devices in their palms, oblivious to each other ticked me off. Isn’t it crazy that invisible waves travelling through ether connect people far away, but disconnect those next to each other? Here is my take on the powerful tiny device in one’s hand as ‘Bomb in your palm’.

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A (software) bug’s life

As a test practitioner, am pained to see initial analysis of recent Boeing 737 MAX crashes. Complex systems, stretched engineering, cost optimisation, a deadly confluence pushing machines off the edge. Bugs that sadly cost human lives.
My take on (software)bugs as a creative in “A (software) bug’s life”.

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Deep dish

Last Saturday I did the Roller Coaster 200km brevet. This is where my tryst with brevet started in the year 2011. Titled “Huliyadurga 200” then, the route was kinda similar to this where we circled in the opposite direction. And this is where I met Somaskanda S  first. Thank you Mohan Subramanyam for this lovely route and rekindling the lovely memories. This route took me past Byalu where the giant dish antennas peer into deep…

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Many miles on Two feet

Five guys decided to enjoy the Indian summer by running from Bangalore to Karwar, the Deccan 300 miler run. Sushil ji  Balakrishnan Sadasivam and Babu George  and Rajendra Jaiswal were targeting 300 miles, while Gjm Reddy planned a 200 miler. All of them did it except RJ who had to call it off midway. Kudos to all you guys, for you, the highway is child’s play!  Two wonderful people Ankur Bhasin and Shiva in the…

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Amazing grace

The hot He in a hurry, as he rises up in the morning The cool She very cheery, as she graces the eveningIt is these things up above, that fill my day with loveThese daily celestial sights, a wonderful play of light Wrap me in warm embrace, fill me with amazing grace At peace with life, as I tackle today’s daily strife

Respect and tolerance

Disturbed by the rising crescendo of jingoism that becomes shrill during testing national times, troubled by the extreme intolerance to anything that seems to be becoming common place, saddened by the casually flouting of law like the callous attitude to simple road rules, here is my creative take as “Respect and tolerance” Note: I stay far away from politics and news and do not respond to anything political, but love to read and respond  on…

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Golden ball

“Isn’t it lovely to watch the ball of fire rise up and engulf you gently?Isn’t it lovely to be blessed with life by the morning sun?Lovely isn’t it, to enjoy the simple sightsAnd stay above the trivial fights” The joy and cheer that the sunrise fills me with, as I start my morning walk with my lovely dog Caesar expressed in this creative “Golden ball”.Stay blessed, have a great day, my friend. 

A season of retreat

The bare trees shorn of all its leaves stood gracefully, awash in the golden radiance of morning sunlight. The carpet of leaves squeaked happily as I stepped over it with my dog during my morning walk. The delightful sight and melodious sound stopped me, and I paused to receive infinite grace, as light entered my soul.  The simple joys of morning walk with my lovely dog at the end of autumn expressed as a creative…

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While driving back from Auroville after after marathon on Sunday, the conversation on pets veered onto abandonment of dogs. Big breed dogs after being exploited for breeding are abandoned by some breeders once they are spent. They are discarded far away from their neighbourhood, sometimes in a forest so that they never find their way back. Also puppies of big breed given as gifts are also abandoned once it becomes full size, as it has…

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Tickled pink

As I take my dog for early morning walk, the morning sky is tickled pink. The beautiful feminine hue of the sky quietly changes as I continue my morning routine becoming a handsome hot male! Isn’t it wonderful to see the yin and yang in a daily sunrise? Here it is as a poem titled “Tickled Pink”.