Browsing Category Poetry

My tryst with wordsmithing

I am Gold

When Prashant Tidke posted on Feb 6, 2019 “I am happy that still I am able to do better than I was able to do yesterday, fighting with all the limitations including ageing. Set a couple of PRs on the prestigious climbing Strava segments this last sunday race is an indication that one can still do better at any point of time. Crossing 55 years of age and nearing your sixties should not stop you…

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A state of trance

When the world synchronises the simple act of running with trance music in the ears, magic happens. The head lightens up and seems to expand, gently floating and illuminating the insides, then merging you with the universe. Here is one of my experiences word-smithed as “A state of trance”.

Polar vortex

What would you do when the polar vortex brings Artic to your house? Write poems! I know my good friends and relatives in North America will beat me up for this.  When my good friend Simon now back in London from a long Indian holiday, sent me a pic in winter clothing, my muse perked up resulting in “Polar vortex”.

Bangalore Mountain Festival

Last Sunday (Jan 27) was the Half Marathon run at  “Bangalore Mountain Festival”, an event at Nandi Hills. Trail runs are very special to me as I meld with nature, staying mindful, totally in the present. It is fascinating to run in hilly terrains with rocks carefully poised over each other gently looking at you, nudging you to climb over them and supporting you all the way, smiling at you as you bound away from…

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Mr Valentine

A minister said he will break the hands of any man who touches the woman of other religion, post which a inter-religious couple posted their kiss and dared him. On another thread, this minister accused another of running being a woman of other religion when that person questioned the work he did for the nation. Unity in diversity is what I grew up with. Times have changed, seems it is “Impunity with perversity”. Unfettered I…

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I am the God

Meditation is the gateway to a magical place. An experience so personal that you can’t describe it truly.  Transcending into a different dimension that is fluid and formless, empty yet full, sheer darkness enveloped by light, where you see yourself on a mirrorless surface. Here is a humble attempt of draping my personal experience with a garland of words as “I am the God”.

Double rainbow

A double rainbow is considered a symbol of transformation and is a sign of good fortune in eastern cultures. The first arc represents the material world, and the second arc signifies the spiritual realm. According to Chinese mythology, red represents the feet, and violet symbolizes the head. Therefore, a single rainbow signifies a human descending from heaven to earth. A double rainbow, due to its reversal of colours, represents the movement from earth to heaven…

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“Intuition is a powerful tool that can enable us to live joyfully and effortlessly. In order to access our intuitive wisdom, we need to clear its path and break the vicious loop of mundane experiences.” In the lovely book titled  ‘Intuition’, Preeti Bajaj outlines how to use meditation as the means to discover one’s intuitive abilities and find answers to one’s questions by tapping into the infinite source.  My experience of this penned down as…

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Oh, what a lovely life it is

Every autumn when the grand old tree opposite my house sheds its leaves and becomes bare, it leaves me in a state of awe and wonder. The absolute sheer raw beauty of its emptiness fills me up with divine serenity. Here is a creative take on this amazing autumn performance as “Oh, what a lovely life it is” outlining the life’s profound philosophy of emptying oneself to experience the fullness.