Browsing Category sillycon

Silly and stupid stuff that make life colourful  and cheery

Politician pujas

When it is no-confidence motion in namma state, leaders are busy performing pujas in various temples confident that God is on their side.  Poor God, he can’t run away to a resort and hide from sillycon city politicians. #sillyconCity (#150)


Dropping off his kid at school, he returned home riding his bike in the wrong direction of the busy one-way main road. When he saw the Ganesha temple, he stopped and prayed. For the motorists who are coming opposite him, perhaps? No dearth of idiots in sillycon city. #sillyconCity (#149)

A lovely morning walk

The soft breeze of a cool morning rustles the leaves of a majestic old tree letting the sun rays through, to warm the dog lazing on the road. Oh, a charming lazy quietness, just peace.  The Bangalore of yesteryears magically pops during my early morning walk in neighbourhood only to become sillycon as I turn into the main road. #sillyconCity (#146)


Share autos is where the human side of digital Namma Bengaluru shines. Everybody is using laptop while being driven. Well each one is on other’s lap. A different kind of jam in sillycon city. #sillyconCity (#145)

Weight loss

Post a sumptuous breakfast of Butter Masala Dosa and Ghee Kesari Bath after a 45 min brisk walk and 30 minutes of exercises he complained:“Yennu weight loss illa Saar, yee workout ella wastu”(No weight loss happening at all, all these workouts are a waste.) sillycon maya at Namma Bengaluru. #sillyconCity (#144)

Jay walking

He revelled in jay asking as he thought pavement was for wimps. When a biker crashed into him, he saw the poster “Jesus loves you” near the headlight as he lay prostrate on the ground. Yeah right, he thought. The biker helped him get up and then he saw the poster on rear mudguard “Jesus is coming”.  Damn, the stickers were placed wrongly. Stupid jays in sillycon city, pray you don’t bump into them. #sillyconCity…

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Found & Lost

An Australian lady impressed by honest auto driver’s work gifted him a 1.6Cr villa and IT raided his house. (*) A few thousand promised high returns by a company lost ~1200Cr and owner absconded from the company. Dharma and Karma in sillycon city. #sillyconCity (#141) (*)


The granite slabs on pavements installed aeons ago were systematically changed to concrete ones. After a few months they crack, only to be replaced in the next year’s budget. Isn’t wonderful how we stimulate growth? Replace good stuff with shoddy ones that require continual maintenance.  Fix what is unbroken, ignore what is broken.  sillycon city it is. #sillyconCity (#140)