Browsing Category sillycon

Silly and stupid stuff that make life colourful  and cheery


“So inspired were software developers by PM’s speech that they changed all the global variables to local variables” someone said.

I responded with “So object oriented they became that all their methods were folded into self->f()”

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How does reducing EPF percentage, or paying lower TDS deemed as fund injection, people asked in response to the claimed massive stimuli by the government. C’mon peoples, this is Atmanirbhar, no ? Use your own money to become self-reliant? Super idea, no?

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A drink

Hmmm, seems like namma sillyconCity needed a drink. The traffic is back. The city of pubs dried and shrivelled during the dry spell of 40 days. When the liquor shops opened, after a long wait and generous swigs, the vehicles are back!

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God & Spirit

During festivals, small temples in my area setup wooden pole queuing systems to manage crowds. The same was visible outside a liquor shop near my office in nama city. Now I understand God and Spirit are accorded the same respect.

Festival times in namma sillyconCity.

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After many of weeks of working from home, this Monday is just right for drinking at office(or home). Long lines at 8:30AM today morning outside liquor shops in namma city. All in a line maintaining absolute discipline, beautifully socially distanced and waiting with a zen-line patience.

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