Months ago, the govt of India embarked on a bold program of demonetisation of Rs 500/100 notes overnight. It was expected to be a program to stem corruption and leapfrog growth. Feelings were mixed and still challenged now.

I am no economist nor a serious analyst, have been inspired by this event to explore creatively the ‘mono rhyme’ style of poetic expression.

“Achhe din” in Hindi language means “Good days”]

Months ago there was lot of cash
Hiding, floating and flitting awash
Then they planned to unearth the stash
Lot of economists said it was brash
Conversion deadline made people act rash
For old notes will soon become trash
People were caught while accessing their cache

Digital wallets made it to the sash
Tinkling coins replaced by cybercash
Wallet companies touched the sky in a flash

Certain sectors experienced whiplash
Some business in a serious hash
Market tanked and decided to crash

A few months after, the GDP suffered a big gash
“I told you so” economists said with a gnash
The country fell down with big splash

Acche din they said, with a sensuous eyelash
Achhe din they said, with a handsome moustache

All the promises, was that balderdash
Oh dear I now have hot flash
The prickly suffering caused nettle rash
Spending curbs surfaced diaper rash

Even now ATMs empty, I would like to smash
The person behind this, I would like to thrash
None of the above possible, all I can is to slash
My wrists creating a big gash
And enter the heavens as fly ash.

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