As I ran on the uneven stony pavement near the lake in my neighbourhood today morning, words popped  up, germinating poetry.

Let me share the story of today’s run
that turned out be sheer fun.
Surprisingly great pace
that filled me with wonderful grace
for another day of the corporate race.

I shot off like a gun
on the paved road,
so smooth it was
that I was bored.

Jumped onto the uneven pavement
to encounter challenges that bring enjoyment.
Obstacles abound
but I leap and bound.
Love the prance
made possible by the music of trance.

Legs so springy,
the bounce not all stingy,
I felt like a mountain goat,
on the air I seemed to float.

My strides so long
ooh, the muscles so strong,
I felt like a Kangaroo,
still can’t believe it was true.

Six kilometres is all I did
but the feeling at the end was so splendid.
The effortless sub-5 pace
filled me with grace
for another day of corporate race.

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