In today’s world of ‘too much and more’, it is a challenge to ‘just be’. Constantly challenged by a busy world of tasks, goals and accomplishments, that fills every waking minute with work – professional or personal, some folks plan the ‘me-time’ too! 

We love to think in gross terms of time, most often in terms of hours, weeks and months for all our planning.  Here is a breezy creative that takes a look at how “a second” can make a huge difference as “Just pause for a second”.

“Just pause for a second”

We argue too much and miss the point
We plan too much and loose the moment
We focus too much and miss the big picture
We analyse too much and squash the joy
We live in the future and miss the present
We accomplish a lot, yet feel like a naught
We do everything right, yet everyday is a fight
We focus on the movement, not on the stillness
We live by the clock accomplishing a lot, Really?

The clock of life is in the pauses
In the pauses of second hand
Just a tiny moment of nothing
Filled with magical everything

This is what I experienced
Lying on a hospital bed
Completely immobilised
Just me and my bedspread
All I saw was a ticking clock
With nothing to do, life was slow
Second hand froze and put me into flow
Surreal it was to see the panorama of life
Completely disaffected by all the strife

So my friend, just stop for a second
to experience life in every tiny pause
It is not that all the problems go away
it is just the worrying that gently fades
Filling you with confidence and serenity
as you go about life, disengaging strife
All it takes is “Just pause for a second”

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