Posts tagged mindful

Just pause for a second

In today’s world of ‘too much and more’, it is a challenge to ‘just be’. Constantly challenged by a busy world of tasks, goals and accomplishments, that fills every waking minute with work – professional or personal, some folks plan the ‘me-time’ too!  We love to think in gross terms of time, most often in terms of hours, weeks and months for all our planning.  Here is a breezy creative that takes a look at…

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Just ordinary

Osho says being ordinary or average is the most difficult. It happens only when you are mindful, when you in the ‘now’.  When you see the simple ordinary things for what it is, it is indeed extraordinary. I guess Sai Nellore triggered this with his posting of a Osho video today on this. I recollected one of Osho’s lectures that I had listened many many years ago on the same. When I went on my…

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move to STOP

Physical activities done mindfully, freeze the mind like the furious storm that lashes,  utter calm inside the ‘eye’ as a poem “move to STOP”. — move to STOP. up down, up downrotate and move, powerfullycycle, in a racing groove forward backward, forward backwardpush and pull, softly run, a marathon full clockwise, anticlockwisegyrate and spin, rapidlydance, feeling partner’s skin in out, in out thrust and shove, rhythmicallycopulate, uniting in love inhale exhale, inhale exhale suck and…

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Eight hundred kilometres of cycling non stop Feeling right on top Hamstring supple and energetic Fully (re)charged up, the pace frenetic The wheels a blur, the legs in clear unison Two while lines the highway, reflected of the swath Really a small puddle of light Bright enough not to befuddle The world all black except a little circle of light On a brilliant and silent night A sea of calm In a world of fright…

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Mindfully enjoying the sweat

The pores in the head opened slowly and micro droplets were squeezed out. They merged to form a thin line of sweat that meandered slowly through the hairs. The many tiny rivulets flowing through the hairs gently massaged the scalp tickling it lightly and merged to form big drop. It poised gingerly on the top of the head, and as I took the next step, it rolled across the forehead rapidly, sliding down the nose…

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