My learnings from DNFs

Challekere 400
330km/Sore bottom, could not sit on saddle after 330mm.Never wear a brief inside the cycling shorts!

Anchetty 200
Completed the whole course, reached the mid point via a different route despite recede-img the route the week before.Enjoy the chit chats with friends, but don’t miss the turns specified in the cue sheet!

Sholapur 1200:
Incessant rain for 24 hours right from start , gear shifter and brakes stopped working at 450km.Carry lube, get stronger.

Belgaum 1000:
Headlight fell off at 409 and broke. Clip the headlight properly after removing it to stand the bike on its handlebar, fix the puncture with.

Bliss 1200 Ver -1:
450km. Zero visibility due to fog agenda of Periya climb.Carry yellow sheets to make fog light.

Bliss 1200 Ver 3: 525km. Reached the mid control Kalpetta late.Need to ride faster and pray harder for no punctures in the first half.


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