Recently a judge in Indian high court comments to media reporters:
“The peacock is a lifelong celibate. It does not have sex with peahen. The peahen gives birth after it gets impregnated with the tears of the peacock. A peacock or a peahen is then born.”

And I thought I knew biology!
Inspired by the new age biology, here is my twist on this!

The esteemed judge said:
Peacock uses it
only to pee.
Curious to know
how I do it?
See my eyes
when I am all set
it is really wet.
I need no Viagra
just a little Niagara
would do!

Oh beautiful woman
just holding hands
laughter and tears
no dropping pants
beautiful baby bears

My dear judge
you are so funny
my eyes are wet
Thank God, you are male
else the judgement will be heavy.

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