Posts tagged feelings


“Have you felt pain so deep that sucks everything turning you into a ‘living dead?’ . A creative that I wrote for @AllPoetry contest on “Pain or Love” in 26 words exactly.

Catharsis II

The daily news of people who took their lives purported to be depressed is distressing.A young data scientist jumped off a building close to my office, a middle aged man shot himself today leaving a note that his family be taken of a wife killed her young son and committed suicide, a TV personality hung himself… In today’s apparently well connected world, there is more loneliness, in an supposedly era of economic growth and prosperity, there is…

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The pressure of life

My muse went quiet for two months. After watching the busy last couple of months at work, it could take it no more and burst out with “The pressure of life”. Have you ever felt intense pressure, that you did not resist but absorbed it, converting the helplessness and negativity into a  “quiet strength” changing you internally?

Do you know why?

Submitted for contest–Impress-me–verbally-undress-me– Many folds, crevices & fissures the brain has- Do you know why? ‘Tis the place to hide bad memories bury unpleasant incidents and stuff allegations. Tis where the bad ones decay and dissolve Forming a rich base to create new thoughts. Like how waste decomposes to become rich manure. They say Vent it out, don’t bury it Cry & let out tears, Don’t suppress. But I prefer to bury it deep…

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Confidence is…

What is confidence? A creative take on this. intense activity outside, perfect peace inside Confidence is… bold demeanour outside fluttering heart inside Confidence is… brawn to take on any problem brain to dissect it clearly Confidence is… rapidly adapting outside methodical analysis inside Confidence is… the knowledge of what with the skill of how —-

Sticky times

When too many issues pound in your head, how do you feel? A creative on this as “Sticky times”. Too many issues clog my head each a tiny sticky thread. Encircling my brain the fuzzball crushes, a serious energy drain putting me to sleep. It is no escape as bad dreams rage, only to be awakened back in the locked cage. Moments of despair dispelled by hope See the bright star yonder is how I…

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LEL Registration

My real life experience registering for the London-Edinburgh-London brevet last weekend. One of Britain’s greatest cycling challenges A ride from London to Edinburgh & back Covering 1400 kms in 116 hours Through Britain’s most beautiful scenery. It is been two years After the 1200km Paris Brest Paris The legs are now itching For another long one. Seats limited to a few hundred, Will I make it, I wondered? Everyone wants to apply But demand exceeds…

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