Browsing Category Poetry

My tryst with wordsmithing

Just a click it takes

The frenzied consumption of anything, thanks to everything being online irritates me. It pains me to see the mindless consumption, the resultant gargantuan waste and the destruction of nature, all in the name of convenience, safety and fulfilling need, sorry greed. “Just a click it takes” to make the giant cookie of earth crumble.

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Queen Anchetty

The ride to Anchetty is special, a 200km ride conceived by erstwhile IISc Randonneurs and nurtured by Bangalore Randonneurs, a signature brevet with a unique local medal. Every time I ride this, it is special and poetry happens.
The fifth on Anchetty titled “Queen of Anchetty” is inspired by curves and climbs of terrain as damsels and strong men who welcome you to their valley, a peaceful abode where the beautiful queen lives.

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Invasion of binary V (Freedom, my foot)

Are we free? Is freedom in our hands at all? While ruminating on freedom while enjoying a morning walk on India’s Independence day, I noticed people glued to their smart phone unmindful of anyone. They were absolutely free of any human distractions floating gently in tapestry of gazillon bits in an alter-world, absolutely free.
Titled “Freedom, my foot”, this is the fifth in the series “Invasion of binary”.

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While walking my dog in the morning, I noticed a man feeding his bird in the cage. That is when it struck me, “who is the in cage really, the man stuck with everyday rote, or the bird?”.
The thought germinated into a poem at the end of work day into “caged”. A simple sighting with a deep meaning.

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In the second stadium run of this year at Bangalore, I ran the 2 hour team relay all instead of typical 24hour one. The team “Bangalore Randonneurs” was all cyclists (randonneurs, really). A fun run it was going all out and spending the whole night on the sides watching and cheering. No wonder this resulted in a longer poem – less running and more writing ! Enjoy the creative as “Sayonara” inspired by the closing ceremony of Tokyo Olympics.

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At St Germain High School Bangalore my alma mater, hockey was a favourite game. Our principal Fr Mervyn Coelho a sports lover went to 1980 Olympics at Moscow and watched the historic win.

My favourite game was hockey then, we played everyday before school commenced. A fast game it was. Well, marbles was my favourite too, hey we played serious game of marbles. 🙂 After all we were only a boys school then :-).

Here is a creative on the rise of phoenix as “41”. Kudos to the men’s & women’s hockey teams.

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Fixie love

My dear friend @Anil Kadsur who has a penchant for doing amazing stuff rode 100kms every day for 365 days ! Yes when the city was scared of Corona and kept indoors, this gentleman rode everyday in the wee hours of day 3:00-7:00am, a century every day. Translating to 36500+ kms approximately, a circle around the earth along the Tropic of Cancer, on a fixie bike, brakeless!

Much loved in the cycling community, he is limitless and rides brakeless. Here is poem dedicated to my dear friend @Anil, a celebration of 365×100 accomplishment, titled “Fixie love”.

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