Posts tagged nightride

Cosmic love

During a fast paced night ride as prep for LEL on Old Madras Road, the moon and cloud were in a sensuous embrace, a lovely spectacle to watch on the wee hours of Saturday. After a few minutes, they became conscious of us and hid quickly in the expansive dark sky.  

Mulbagal musings

On a Friday night, a LEL prep ride with Satish turned out to be a nice 184kms. Dipankar rode with us till Volvo, Kolar.  Satish was in high cadence mode leading the way, a zippy ride until Mulbagal (92km) aided by tailwinds. The return ride was fun with gusty headwinds, we rotated positions not wanting to slow down cadence. It was a nice fast ride of 184km in 7h:14m (ride time). Couple of tea breaks,…

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Chitradurga 420

Well I did make it to see the windmills this weekend. It did however prove costly.As the dawn of Sunday was making its presence slowly, my headlight the B&M Luxos powered by hub dynamo broke(clamp affixed to frame broke) hanging merely by the wire. The tail lamp became emotional and also gave up. So at about 110kms from Bangalore, on the dark Sira-Hiriyur stretch at 3:30am, with just a reflective jacket, I had no option,…

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Three centuries and a HM

This weekend LEL training was fun,  three consecutive century rides late evening on Fri,Sat,Sun and  a relaxed HM late Sat morning. Fri night was fantastic whilst  Sun night was brilliant. Let me detail this.. Friday night was start at 2040, and Armin’s album State of Trance 2015 worked the magic! You know it is magic when you see circular rainbow on oncoming headlights, when eye lids shrink into a slit and you become the music’s…

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Night ride and early morning run

Night ride on OMR Road – The first century After multiple 10K runs during the week, it was time to rotate the legs over the weekend. The new Merino wool Baselayer and socks to provide the warmth for the cold nights of PBP arrived a couple of weeks back from UK and needed to be tested. So it was to be on the night of Friday, a quick 100KM on the Old Madras Road to…

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