Fixie love

My dear friend @Anil Kadsur who has a penchant for doing amazing stuff rode 100kms every day for 365 days ! Yes when the city was scared of Corona and kept indoors, this gentleman rode everyday in the wee hours of day 3:00-7:00am, a century every day. Translating to 36500+ kms approximately, a circle around the earth along the Tropic of Cancer, on a fixie bike, brakeless!

Much loved in the cycling community, he is limitless and rides brakeless. Here is poem dedicated to my dear friend @Anil, a celebration of 365×100 accomplishment, titled “Fixie love”.

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Swamp II

A mashup of Operation Kamala and Pegasus spying issue as a creative “Swamp I – Trojan” to outline the dissolution of government in Karnataka. This creative was triggered by a comment from @Gratian Mathew Govias on a #sillyconCity post on this issue. Thank you

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Swamp I

Only in the last election did we have a chief minister who completed his full term. Then things changed. Subsequent election resulted in three chief ministers with first CM there for six days, the next one 14 months and the third 24months.
The poem titled “Swamp I – Lotus” creatively captures this situation.
Await the sequel to this too 🙂

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