The third one in “Invasion of binary” poem mini-series personalises the bits that charge at us which we welcome joyfully. Written in first person style, I describe how I welcome this invasion by the minion bits and let them assimilate me.
Digital God II – “Where is he?”
Technology is the new God today, in its clutches we are totally! Here is a personalisation of this, the first one of a two part series “Digital God” titled “The New God”
Invasion of binary II – “Powerful pixels”
All the strength of hands wielding a sword can come to a nought by the power of content streaming as shiny pixels in your palm. Beware of social media! This was the thought triggered by comments in response to my prior poem “Invasion of Binary”. Enjoy the Part 2 as “Invasion of Binary II” (Powerful pixels).
Invasion of binary I – The world of fake
In today’s world of unsatiated digital appetite, we just seem to swallow tainted content. Interesting it is how smart people succumb to fake messages, posts, emails. When a good friend posted a message that was way off, the wordsmith in me perked up resulting in this creative “Invasion of binary”.
Heaven on earth
We visualise heavens as being above, and we wish to get it down to earth. What does it take? Here is a creative visualisation of this, of rain bringing heaven to earth.
Rainy mornings are lovely, a gentle lazy start to the day. A flavourful goulash of sound, sight and feel that you soak into, to be filled with warmth and cheer.
Have you ever thought of this as possible only due to the gay abandon with which tiny drops fall unmindful that they will be absorbed and go six feet under. A creative personalisation of rain drops in the poem “Selfless”.
A post by @AllPoetry on FB “Write a poem based on the picture of man walking in the desert ” triggered my creative juice during lunch. Here is the lunchtime poetry titled “Dessert”.
Slice of peace
Enjoy the feelings on a lovely Saturday morning while in motion on two wheels, as “Slice of peace”.
Om Shanthi
In these times when many have lost their loved ones, have you peeked into their psyche and seen their feelings? The sudden loss stirs ones sixth sense to go deeper past the cathartic void into a peaceful emptiness, and experience their presence as spirit. Here is my visualisation of this as “Om Shanthi”.
“Wouldn’t be wonderful if we could invent a vaccine to solve life’s ills” was the thread of thought that emanated from a casual comment on my good friend Susan Jagannath’s post. Hope you find this jab energising 🙂