The news item of a cremation ground being walled with tin sheets to (possibly) hide deaths due to Covid startled me. The word ‘walls’ stuck in my mind, connecting the various walls that have come up and divided us. Precipitating finally in a shrill cry ‘It’s time for the walls to go”, here is my outburst as a creative “walls”.
“It took a Nirodh to slow down our production, now it is Virodh(for masks) that is multiplying it.
#sillyconFeelings (115)”
“We implement mega plans like: remove black money via demonetisation, collect more via instant GST rollout and eradicate virus by organising kumbh, but it does not work that way maga.
#sillyconFeelings (114)”
“Let’s have elections, let’s have Kumbh, let’s postpone Class 12 exams and let’s cancel 10th board exams.
Amazing how the current government prioritises.
#sillyconFeelings (113)”
“””… need booster dose of vaccine within 12 months of getting vaccinated, may need to get vaccinated annually” says Pfizer CEO.
With every business into SaaS, vaccine business to VaaS model eh?
#sillyconFeelings (116)”
Showing finger
“Today everybody is showing their finger on social media. For some of contestants in the election it will be a middle finger. Isn’t democracy wonderful, of showing one’s finger in public respectfully.
#sillyconFeelings (112)”
When you face a crushing failure, what do you do?Read this poem ‘failure’, written for @AllPoetry brevity contest, to be written in 10 words.
English countryside
When I was in cycling in the English countryside as part of training and acclimatising for London-Edinburgh-London 1400KM brevet, the wonderful scenery all around brought out the wordsmith in me.
“Have you felt pain so deep that sucks everything turning you into a ‘living dead?’ . A creative that I wrote for @AllPoetry contest on “Pain or Love” in 26 words exactly.
Dark can be beautiful and shiny or real ugly. Isn’t it sad that when it adorns humans, it is most often the latter?
A creative 15 word brevity contest at AllPoetry based on the prompt ‘dark’. (Oh, it was awarded Gold.)